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If you are an established business licensed to sell nutritional, medical and/or athletic products, you are qualified to receive wholesale or distributor prices on all products Quest Nutrition & Athletic carries.
We take pride in earning new clients as well as building successful long term relationships. We will strive to assure your complete satisfaction.
Our price list is set up on a 2-tier structure: Distributor and Wholesale pricing.
Distributor pricing is based on an initial order of $800 or more. After your initial order, you will receive distributor pricing on any order over $400. Orders under $400 will receive wholesale pricing.
Wholesale pricing has been set up for smaller vendors and those preferring not to receive an initial order of $800. However, your initial order must be $400 or more. After your initial order you will receive wholesale pricing on any future order over $200.
All wholesale/distributor accounts must be approved by Quest Nutrition. | |
Simply provide us with a copy of your business licence or other documentation for verification and a complete wholesale/distributor package will be forwarded for your review. For more information on becoming a wholesale customer or distributor, please contact us at